I sat and thought for about ten minutes about what I wanted to talk about in this post and ended up staring out the window at the rain and wishing it would turn into snow.
Yeah, I'm that person.
I know the holidays have become pretty commercialized and it's all about the stuff and not the actual sentiment of the holiday itself, but I still love them. Because despite how much I complain about them, I actually do love my family and holidays are always pretty fun.
It's the coziness of everyone sitting around at Thanksgiving and just talking and eating together. (The food's not too bad either). It's putting up the Christmas decorations and tree (a task which I have designated myself as the leader of). It's going Christmas shopping for other people and I'm finally at the age where it's more fun to give than it is to get. It's listening to Christmas music while making and decorating cookies (and maybe I've been listening to Christmas music since October but I regret nothing). It's waiting for the first snowfall, which I sincerely hope happens soon. And it's our annual family Christmas party which usually culminates in an epic wrapping paper fight which is lead by my uncles who are twice as old as us kids.
I actually think that I like the time before the holidays better than the actual day itself. I mean, after you open the presents on Christmas morning, there's not much else to do. Maybe we'll pop in 'It's A Wonderful Life' but there's always that feeling of sadness that it's all over.
That's why I love the anticipation of the event better. It's spending time with family, preparing for the big day, and enjoying the fact that I have a month off of school. This year will be a little bit more difficult since it's the one year anniversary of my grandmother's death (around Thanksgiving time) but I'll just appreciate the fact that I'm able to be with my family and loved ones so much more.
(Also McDonald's comes out with their eggnog shakes which are right below Pumpkin Spice Lattes on the delicious scale).
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