To be quite honest, I'm not much of a movie person. Now TV, that's an entirely different story. I like it when there are short bursts of a story that have a follow-up every week. And I tend to be pretty picky when it comes to movies; in fact the last movie that I actually went to see in theaters was the last Harry Potter movie.
I could probably wax on about how much I love Harry Potter and how sad I was that it was ending, but I doubt anyone would care. From a movie standpoint, I thought it was quite good. I feel like the Harry Potter series always did a pretty good job of translating the story from book to movie. Of course as a hardcore fan, I was constantly nitpicking about the fact that they left out a certain scene or line, but I still feel the movies are a great representation of the books.
It was a bit odd having the seventh movie split into two parts, and the wait in between was almost unbearable. However, it was definitely worth the wait. From what I remember from my first viewing experience, it started off slowly then took off with a bang and didn't slow down until the end. It was an excellent tribute to the story that millions have grown to love and cherish. I will admit that I cried at the end when that iconic music started playing and the screen faded to black for the last time.
One interesting experience that I had was taking my little brother to see it. Up until that point, he hadn't really been into the series; he had seen most of the movies but was more of a very casual fan. Reading the books definitely helps understand the movies, and since he hadn't done so, he was asking me questions throughout the entire film (which got quite irritating). However, he's reading the books now, so my job is done. I think it's interesting that a lot of people have trouble understanding what's going on unless they've seen the books. While the movies do represent the books well, they do miss details that can be found in the books.
It was a fantastic movie and an unforgettable experience - not just the last movie but the entire series. And I'm pretty sure I spent more time talking about the books than the actual movie in this post.
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